Red Hat Certified JBoss Developer (RHCJD)

The Red Hat® Certified JBoss Developer (RHCJD) certification demonstrates an individual's ability to build Java™ Enterprise Edition (JEE) applications for deployment on the Red Hat® JBoss® Enterprise Middleware Application Platform or other JEE-compliant platforms. It is earned when a candidate passes the !Red Hat Certified JBoss Developer (RHCJD) Exam (EX225). Employers can hire RHCJDs with confidence that they are qualified JEE developers who have proven their skills.

To become certified, an RHCJD will have demonstrated knowledge and skills of the tasks below:

  • Configure and create enterprise-ready web projects
  • Work with contexts (CDI)
  • Work with POJO/JEE components
  • Access and manage identity information through API
  • Work with web/JSF components and web navigation
  • Expose components to external and legacy interfaces
  • Create an authentication form


  • JEE application developers

Benefits to earning a Red Hat Certified JBoss Developer certification:

  • Recognition in the industry
  • Increased customer confidence
  • Proof of knowledge and skills
  • Certification verification tool for employers
  • Use of the certification logo on business cards
  • Ability to access multiple Red Hat Certificated Professional online communities (like Facebook and LinkedIn)
  • Access to Red Hat Certification Central website
  • Download certification logo
  • Purchase Red Hat certification gear
  • Red Hat Certified Professionals forum
  • Online profile listed under your certification number
  • Red Hat Certified Professional job search
  • Special offers on training and events


  • Pass the !Red Hat Certified JBoss Developer (RHCJD) Exam (EX225), which consists of 1 section lasting up to 4 hours.
  • The RHCJD exam is a performance-based evaluation of a candidate's skills and knowledge regarding the implementation of enterprise applications using common enterprise specifications. With performance-based testing, candidates must perform tasks similar to what they perform on the job.
  • In this exam, candidates are asked to perform a number of common development tasks which require the use of certain APIs and specifications. Candidates are then evaluated on how well their implementations meet objective criteria such as being able to access an object instance using a specified webs service.
  • Even though the exam uses JBoss Enterprise Application Platform as its runtime, the exam is not JBoss-specific and only targets well-documented, portable specifications.

Exams and recommended training

In preparation to earn an RHCJD certification, Red Hat recommends the following courses to help prepare for this exam: