Detailed Course Outline
- Introduction to Datacap Studio
- Rulemanager View
- Document Hierarchy
- Rulesets ( Global and Application)
- Rulset Types (Compiled and Conventional)
- Rule mapping, Properties, Task profiles, Action libraries
- Zones view
- Test view
- Rulemanager View
- Create an application based on Learning Template
- Characteristics of a Learning Template Application and docType
- Learning Template Configuration
- Document Integrity
- Learning Template Fields
- Configure a Learning Template application
- The Learning Template and fingerprints
- The Learning Template workflow
- Routing and export
- Enhance the application in Datacap Studio
- Application enhancement with Datacap Studio
- Associate rules with a document hierarchy object
- Associate a ruleset with a task profile
- Validate Rules and actions
- Create Locate and Zone rules
- Locate actions
- Create Validate rules
- Validation actions
- Validate and export task relationship
- Mixing locate and validate actions
- Expand the Locate and Validation rules
- Document export to corporate data repository
- Export types
- Export to IBM FileNet Content Manager Repository
- Actions to export to IBM FileNet repository
- Application Debugging and Logs
- Application Debugging in Datacap Studio
- Logs Used in Debugging
- Setting Rulerunner Logging by Application/Task
- Datacap Studio Test Tab
- Set Breakpoints
- Breakpoint Configuration Interfaces
- Connect to a Box repository
- Box Connector Introduction
- Box installation and configuration
- Create a Box account and a Box application
- Configure Box repository account
- Configure Datacap Box connection
- Configuration Box connection parameters
- Configure a Datacap application for Box import and export
- Configure the Virtual scan task
- Batch processing behavior
- Administration configurations
- Box rulesets and action libraries
- Introduction to Cognitive Capture
- Terms used, Cognitive Capture, Insight Edition, Content Classification, Big Insights and System T. Alchemy API
- Capture is entering a new cognitive era
- Where does Cognitive Capture fit?
- Alchemy API key application
- Content Classification
- Cognitive Capture Sequence
- Analyze data elements
- Content Categorization
- Populate fields
- Cognitive Capture techniques
- Layout XML file
- Cognitive Capture actions
- Verify and the docFilterManager.xml file
- IBM Content Classification
- Content Classification Actions
- Configuring a decision plan
- Sample Content Classification actions
- Sample find category function
- Insight Edition
- Insight Edition is built on a Datacap foundation
- What is Insight Edition and how is it implemented?
- What is Big Insights and System T?
- Text Analytics identifies entities
- What is in the Blocks?
- It understands language semantic, patterns.
- Correspondence Cognitive Template
- Index-Value par matching
- What are annotators?
- Field annotators
- Actions for annotators
- Layout Based Classification
- Visual Studio
- Convers Custom Control Panels